Monday, July 18, 2016

Black-owned banks get rush of new depositor

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G&G Associates Tax & Financial Consulting

Black-owned banks get rush of new depositors

Hotep G&G Readers,

If you want change to happen, put your money and energy into taking action.  Support your black-owned businesses and keep your money in our communities and anything we want to happen will happen.  

Politics/Politicians thrive on commerce, effect their pockets and you can get them to do whatever it is you want them to do.  Most black people are taking their hard earned money and depositing it into banking institutions controlled by those who care less about you, your family or your dollar.

So ... stop ... getting pimped, nickel and dimed by those who thrive on keeping you miseducated, impoverished and mentally enslaved.  Click on the link below to read the full article about those who are waking up and moving their money to black owned banks ...

News Article:

Black Owned Bank Website:

I'm opening up my bank account...what about you?

As always…feel free to pass this information on to anyone you think is interested in increasing their tax & financial IQ.

If you need a one-on-one consultation to learn how to implement these investments or any other tax or financial strategy mentioned in these newsletters, feel free to contact my office to setup an appointment.

Good Investing!

Ankh Uja Snb (Life, Health & Strength)
Asar Maa Ra Gray
Tax & Financial Consultant
G&G Associates
757-271-6068 office
866-361-3872 toll free fax

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“Investing is much like gambling.  But, the difference is that with knowledge in investing you can at least increase your odds of winning.”
          J. Carter

LEGAL NOTICE: This work is based on what I’ve learned as a financial researcher and analyst based SEC filings, current events, interviews, corporate press releases and what I've learned as a financial consultant. It may contain errors and you should not base investment decisions solely on what you read here.  It’s your money and your responsibility.  Nothing herein should be considered personalized investment advice.  

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