Monday, November 24, 2014

The Rising Opportunity Coming in China

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G&G Associates Tax & Financial Consulting
The Rising Opportunity Coming in China

Hotep (Peace) G&G Readers,

"Chinese stocks have the potential to deliver triple-digit gains within 24 months," said on CNBC earlier this month by financial analyst Steve Sjuggerud.   So far, so good Chinese stocks are up 8%.

There's plenty more to come, as the Chinese stock market is getting a massive tailwind from the Chinese government.

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                          Want to Know How You Can Benefit from this move by the Chinese?

If you get paid in dollars and hold the majority of your assets in U.S. stocks or bonds, your wealth is in significant danger (401K’s, TSPs, 403Bs, Mutual funds, etc).

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On Friday, China announced that it lowered interest rates for the first time since 2012. This is great news … lower interest rates add more fuel to the fire in China's stock market.  This is exactly what's happened in the U.S. over the past few years (what's been often called the "Bernanke Asset Bubble"). Now China is following suit, cutting interest rates and boosting asset prices in the process.

Also, last week China launched the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect. In short, this gives more foreigners than ever the ability to buy local Chinese stocks. In addition, the Chinese government has been on a public-relations campaign to pump up the stock market.
One year ago in the G&G e-Newsletter, I told readers to look out for the moves in China to one day source to become the world's new reserve currency.

I hope you've taken advantage of my advice to buy China…

Chinese stocks bottomed this year at around 2,000 on the Shanghai Index. Now the index sits closer to 2,500. That's a 25% gain so far.  In my opinion, the fun is not nearly over, yet. Chinese stocks are still cheap. Most global investors have ignored China (up until the last week or so), and the uptrend is in place.

Most importantly, the Chinese government just cut interest rates… Taking a page from Bernanke's playbook and boosting Chinese stock prices. 
Again ... if you want to learn how to take advantage of investing in China, sign up and become a GGIS Portfolio Subscriber.
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Good Investing!

Ankh Uja Snb (Life, Health & Strength)
Asar Maa Ra Gray
Tax & Financial Consultant, RFC
G&G Associates
757-271-6068 office
866-361-3872 toll free fax

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LEGAL NOTICE: This work is based on what I’ve learned as a financial researcher and analyst based SEC filings, current events, interviews, corporate press releases and what I've learned as a financial consultant. It may contain errors and you should not base investment decisions solely on what you read here.  It’s your money and your responsibility.  Nothing herein should be considered personalized investment advice.

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