Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Canadian Dollars Anyone !!!

This is
G&G Investment Society (GGIS)

The Easiest Way I Know to Get Started in Foreign Currencies

Karibu (Welcome) G&G Readers,

I find most investors have no understanding of the Foreign Exchange currency market and how large and powerful it really is...

They believe the currency market is an elite market that's completely out of reach for the normal investor. Truthfully, they couldn't be more wrong. There are plenty of easy ways to jumpstart your trading in this misunderstood, often overlooked market. But, as long as you keep giving your money to someone to invest for you … you'll stay clueless.
In particular, I have one extremely simple way to know what's going on in foreign currencies. I'm talking about the commodities market.

The commodity market gives me a "real time" look at what's happening in the global economy – about three months in advance. Commodity prices will rise first, and then data in certain economies will reflect that rise in the upcoming quarter or two.

However, I like getting the "heads up" as quickly as I can. It helps me a lot in my currency trading. Even better, certain currencies closely track commodity prices. That can give you a unique edge when you're just starting out in currency investing.

How to Use the Commodity Bull Market to Your Advantage!

Now why in the world would some currencies track commodities anyway? It's because several of these major economies are commodity-exporting nations, like Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

These countries mine and farm certain commodities to export them. Their production costs stay fairly stable overall, so their commodity exports generally cost the same amount to produce. However, when commodity prices rally, their profit margins widen and their overall earnings increase. This hands a huge windfall to commodity-exporting nations.
Therefore, in one sense, you will know how these three particular economies are faring based on which direction their commodity exports are heading. If their economies are booming, that's great news for the currencies in this region too.

Ahh…keep talking Shemsu {Master; Wise One} … :o)

Right now we have a perfect example of this commodity-currency relationship in the Canadian dollar…

My #1 Commodity Currency to Buy This Year along with the Turkish Lira

It's no secret that I love the Canadian dollar this year – but it's hard not to when oil prices are rallying above $110 a barrel.

Canada is a huge oil exporter, not just to the U.S., but the rest of the world. So when oil prices are high, Canada makes money hand over fist. As a direct result, the Canadian dollar has a field day. $$$$$$$

However, when oil prices head lower, Canada's economy takes it on the chin and so does their currency. In fact, just to show you what I mean, click the link below. This shows oil, the Canadian dollar, and another Canadian export, lumber.


As Goes Oil…So Goes the Canadian Dollar!

** SIDENOTE: Oh…should I mention "Gold & Silver" hit all time highs again this week. Well, it's still not too late. If you aren't a GGIS member, you better sign up today so you don't miss out on this one as well.
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If you need a one-on-one consultation to learn how to implement these investments or any other on the GGIS portfolio, feel free to contact me to setup an appointment.

Until the next time!

Metta (Wishing You the Best)

Asar Gary Gray
Tax & Financial Consultant, RFC
G&G Associates
757-251-0174 office
866-361-3872 toll free fax

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Ancient AfRAkan Proverb

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LEGAL NOTICE: This work is based on SEC filings, current events, interviews, corporate press releases and what I've learned as a financial consultant. Nothing herein should be considered personalized investment advice. It may contain errors and you shouldn't make any investment decision based solely on what you read here. It's your money and your responsibility.

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